We are an Accredited Rainbow Tick Organisation


The Melbourne Clinic is renowned as a leader in quality mental health care services. We take pride in offering inclusive, confidential, safe and patient-centred care via the recovery model to all our consumers.

Our hospital is staffed by a compassionate and responsive multidisciplinary team of health professionals from diverse backgrounds, many identifying with the LGBTIQA+ community.

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Our Journey to Rainbow Tick Accreditation

In early 2016, The Melbourne Clinic's Executive team first began to explore ways to ensure that the LGBTIQA+ community felt confident accessing our services.

We acknowledged that our consumers and staff came from diverse backgrounds. The aim was to ensure everyone felt safe, welcome, comfortable, supported and able to disclose their gender identity and sexual preferences without fear of discrimination or harassment.

Developed by Rainbow Health Australia, The Rainbow Tick is a quality framework that helps health and human services organisations show that they are safe, inclusive and affirming services and employers for the LGBTIQ community.

We are proud to have received and hold Rainbow Tick accreditation, and are committed to ensuring that the environment and services we provide are reviewed and continuously improved on an ongoing basis.

Providing care to the LGBTIQA+ community

For people accessing our services, we want you to feel safe and supported. We will aim to ensure you:

  • Are addressed by your requested names and pronouns by The Melbourne Clinic team
  • Will not be asked inappropriate questions about your body, gender, sexuality, or any curiosity driven questions
  • Have your privacy protected. We will not disclose information you provide to us to individuals not approved by you. We take privacy and confidentiality very seriously and have strict policies to protect you and your health information.
  • Are listened to. Any time during your admission – when you decide or want to; you can share relevant information with our team members. We will consistently hand over relevant information to members of your treatment team to ensure you do not have to repeat your story.

If you are experiencing depression, anxiety, eating disorders, addiction or any other mental health condition, The Melbourne clinic welcomes an opportunity to support and care for you.

Working at The Melbourne Clinic

We strive to provide a workplace culture that is supportive and inclusive and provides the opportunity for career progression.
Our clinic is staffed by a compassionate and responsive team of staff, who take part in the provision of a large range of inpatient services, day programs and outreach services for a broad range of health issues.
Do you want to make a difference in people’s lives? Looking for a career change in Mental Health?
We are looking for:

  • Psychiatrists and Addiction Medicine Specialists
  • Registered and Enrolled Mental Health Nurses
  • Administration Support and Medical Secretaries
  • Lived Experience Consumer Consultants
  • Program Coordinators
  • Allied Health Professionals
  • Hotel Services Support Staff

We value individuality and embrace people with differing experiences, knowledge and skills. If this resonates with you, enquire at the bottom of this page about working with us.

Snapshot of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Statistics
for LGBTQIA+ people

Although many lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer people and other sexuality and gender diverse people live healthy and happy lives, research has demonstrated that a disproportionate number experience poorer mental health outcomes and have higher risk of suicidal behaviours than their peers. These health outcomes are directly related to experiences of stigma, prejudice, discrimination and abuse on the basis of being LGBTIQ+.

  • LGBTIQA+ people aged 18 and over were over eighteen times more likely to have considered attempting suicide in the previous 12 months
  • LGBTIQA+ young people are over four times as likely to engage in self-injury
  • 73.2% of LGBTIQ people aged 18 and over reported having been diagnosed with a mental health condition, 51.9% being treated for a mental health condition in the past 12 months
  • LGBTIQA+ young people are over four times more likely to engage in self-injury
  • LGBTIQA+ people are nearly six times more likely to experience depression, and three times more likely to experience anxiety.
    Resource: LGBTIQ+ Health Australia October 2021
  • 42% of LGBTIQA+ people hide their sexuality or gender identity at social and community events
  • 47% of people who are gay or lesbian have experienced workplace sexual harassment in the past five years
  • 60% of young LGBTIQ+ people aged between 14-21 years old have felt unsafe at school
  • Twice as likely to be victims of workplace discrimination as their non-LGBTIQA+ colleagues
  • 80% have witnessed or experienced homophobia in sport with homophobic language the most common
  • Compared to the general population, LGBTIQ+ people are two and a half times more likely to have been diagnosed or treated for a mental health condition in the past 12 months
    Resource: https://www.theequalityproject.org.au/key-stats

Changes put in place to achieve the Rainbow Tick

  • Education and training sessions for all staff from GLHV in 2016/7
  • Appointment of a Diversity & Inclusivity Consumer Consultant and Champion
  • Incorporation of Diversity and Inclusivity training at hospital Orientation/Mandatory training days in 2016. Training package is reviewed and updated 6 monthly and is facilitated by the Diversity & Inclusivity Consumer Consultant and Quality Manager.
  • Development of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity Committee. In 2019 this committee was integrated into the Governance Meeting (Quality, WHS Committee). The Diversity & Inclusivity Consumer Consultant is a member of the committee.
  • Annual Stall at the Midsumma Festival carnival day and annual celebrations of IDAHOBIT (International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia & Transphobia), Wear It Purple, and other LGBTQIA+ national awareness days.
  • Review of policies, risk management processes, clinical and administrative processes, and of all brochures and workbooks in line with embedding diversity and inclusivity. All policies are reviewed on a three yearly cycle. All brochures and workbooks are reviewed annually. Processes are reviewed by teams annually.
  • Development and distribution of welcoming posters displayed around the clinic, stickers on group rooms and offices, and badges worn by staff
  • Completion of annual Staff and Visiting Medical Officers (VMO’s) satisfaction surveys
  • Initiation of a new LGBTIQA+ group in the Living Well program
  • Development of the Diversity and Inclusivity Strategy, reviewed in 2019/2020.
  • Introduction of 15-minute targeted roving Diversity training in November 2019, including Nursing Undergraduate students on placement at TMC
  • Development of a Diversity & Inclusivity Noticeboard for patients

“Anecdotal evidence suggests that a percentage of our new recruits since 2017 are attracted to working at The Melbourne Clinic because of our dedication to providing a diverse, inclusive and safe working environment. Patients report to our Consumer Consultants that they feel accepted and safe, and able to be open about their sexuality and gender”.

Gaylyn Cairns, General Manager
“Working towards and receiving the Rainbow Tick reinforced our team’s commitment to providing the best possible service to our individual consumers and our dedication to being a welcoming culture to all. It is valued and embraced by our staff and consumers and attracts consumers and staff with similar values”

Sue Jones, Quality Manager

What we have done to maintain our Rainbow Tick Accreditation,
and changes made since first gaining Rainbow Tick Accreditation

  • Unisex toilets throughout the hospital
  • LGBTIQA+ inclusive practice embedded into all governance documents i.e. policy, HR/ recruitment, strategy
  • TMC’s Diversity and Inclusivity Strategy reviewed by staff and consumers
  • Diversity and inclusion well embedded into the culture of the hospital- from the executive level, through leadership positions down to our staff, promoting a welcoming and positive experience for all staff, patients, visitors and contractors including those who identify as members of the LGBTIQA+ community.
  • Policy and process for management, monitoring of consumer/ patient/ staff feedback surveys, complaints/compliments, program reviews, Consumer Approved Publications
  • Quality plans – TMC annual Quality and Governance plan, hospital/unit/program based quality activities generated in response to patient feedback, incidents, shared learnings
  • Staff uniforms are unisex
  • Comprehensive LGBTIQA+ training package/program and handouts, orientation, extension training on units’/team meetings, undergraduate students, volunteers- presented by Diversity & Inclusivity consumer consultant and Quality Manager
  • LGBTIQA+ complaints and concerns incorporated into ongoing LGBTIQA+ training.

The Melbourne Clinic re-achieved Rainbow Tick Accreditation in 2020, and in 2023.

The assessment team identified The Melbourne Clinic have
the following strengths against the Rainbow Tick standards:

  • A strong culture of inclusive practice supported at Executive level and reflected through all areas of service delivery. This extends not only to 'in house' services and programs, but to The Melbourne Clinic's participation in wider sector events and community events showing themselves to be an ally and committed supporter with a focus on inclusion and equity.
  • A high level of passion and commitment from staff at all levels of the service.
  • At interview, staff were unanimous in their identification of the support and resourcing they have received in relation to building their capacity to enable better practice. In particular, the training they have had access to - both in a formal and adhoc ongoing basis - and the opportunities to further their skills and knowledge were highlighted.
  • The Melbourne Clinic has an excellent culture of open disclosure and support in reflection and corrective action when an error or mistake occurs. All staff spoke about how they work together in a collegiate way to address issues when they arise and how this enables their cultural safety and growth as clinicians and practitioners.

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